Sebastian Smart is regional director for the Chilean National Human Rights Institution and lecturer at Universidad Austral de Chile. He has worked in different NGOs in Chile, United Kingdom and Haiti on issues related to economic, social and cultural rights and human rights in the digital environment.
He holds a PhD in Latin American Studies and Human Rights from University College London and a MA in Human Rights at the same University. He is a lawyer from Universidad Católica de Chile and has published several articles, books chapters and reports on human rights, particularly on issues related to business and human rights, transitional justice and technology.
He is author of the books Chile and the Interamerican human Rights System and Pinochet’s Economic Accomplices: An Unequal Country by Force. Currently Sebastian has a Fondecyt (Chilean Government) Grant to study cases of litigation on Buisness and Human Rights.
Sebastian also serves as the chair of GANHRI´s working group on business and human rights and is member of the Advisory Network of the Freedom Online Coalition.