Monize Arquer was a Recognised Student at the Latin American Centre under the supervision of Prof. Timothy J. Power. She was in Oxford for two terms (six months), during her PhD in Political Science at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) in Brazil. She has a Master's Degree and a Bachelor Degree in Political Science from the same institution, and is a member of the Research Group in Brazilian Politics, which is affiliated to the Public Opinion Research Centre (CESOP) at Unicamp. She dedicated the period at the LAC to improve her thesis both in theoretical and methodological ways. Her thesis title is “Construction and Functioning os São Paulo’s Party System (1982-2014)”, supervised by Prof. Rachel Meneguello (DCP-Unicamp). The main focus of this research is to explain the electoral predominance of specific political parties in heterogeneous contexts with high political fragmentation and high levels of competitiveness. To answer this question she analyzes the electoral and organizational strategies of the Brazilian political parties throughout the territory of the state of São Paulo from 1982 to 2016. In a broader sense, her research interests are Political Parties, Party Systems, Elections and Electoral Behavior.