Leonardo is a political scientist with a previous background in international relations studies. He is currently in his second year of doctoral research at the Federal University of Pernambuco, under the supervision of Prof. Marcus André Melo, and holds a Master Degree (2017) from the same institution. He has also an undergraduate and a master degrees in international affairs from Sciences Po (Paris). Concerning his research, his main topic of analysis are governmental coalitions and the executive in general. Currently, he is studying the effects of cabinet coalitions on citizens, or how different compositions of government may impact individuals differently. Previously, he has studied the impact of Brazil’s coalitional presidentialism system on the Brazilian foreign trade policy. For his research period at the University of Oxford, he will be for two terms (Michaelmas and Hillary terms) at the LAC, under the supervision of Prof. Timothy J. Power. His PhD thesis has the provisional title of “Institutions and Attitudes: How Coalitional Governments affect Citizens’ Attitudes towards Politics?”, and he uses data from survey questionnaires conducted from 1996 to 2016 by the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES) to address the research issue.