Dr. Bolognesi is a political scientist based at Federal University of Paraná, Brazil. Obtained his BA in Social Sciences, his MPhil in Political Sociology and his PhD in Political Science. From 2011 to 2012 he has been a recognized student at the Latin American Centre. Today, he is the head of LAPeS - Party and Party Systems Laboratory (www.lapesufpr.com.br) and associated editor of Revista de Sociologia e Política (www.scielo.br/rsocp). Researching on political parties and party systems in Latin America southern cone, Bruno has published in different journals such as America Latina Hoy, Análise Social (Lisbon), Colombia Internacional, Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales. He is currently investigating right wing political parties in Argentina, Brazil and Chile and, in the other hand, a comparative study on party systems troughout Latin America.