OLAGN Reading Group: Visualizing Loss in Latin America. Biopolitics, Waste, and the Urban Environment

The Oxford Latin American Graduate Network will host a reading group in preparation for our conference, Margins in Latin American Studies, that will take place in Oxford from 17-18 June 2024.

In this meeting, we will discuss Chapter 2 of Gisela Heffe’s work Visualizing Loss in Latin America. Biopolitics, Waste, and the Urban Environment (2023). All interested students and researchers are welcome.

Primary text:

Gisela Heffe. Visualizing Loss in Latin America. Biopolitics, Waste, and the Urban Environment. London, Palgrave MacMillan, 2023.

Available in Spanish, English. Chapter 2: “Destruction: The Garbage Dump as a Global Biocritical Trope” (pp. 55-114).

Optional further reading and literary/cinematic sources included in PDF flyer attached.

olagn readinggroup tt2024