LAC History Seminar Series: Fake News in Latin America - Globalising the History of the First World War

Convener: Eduardo Posada-Carbo

Speaker: Stefan Rinke, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany


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Stefan Rinke is Professor of Latin American History at the Institute of Latin American Studies at Freie Universität Berlin. He was an Einstein Research Fellow 2013-2015, has received the Premio Alzate of the Mexican Academy of Sciences and of CONACYT, and a honorary doctorate from Universidad Nacional de San Martín in Buenos Aires for his work in 2017. He is speaker of the German-Mexican Graduate School “Between Spaces” – a cooperative doctoral program with El Colegio de México, UNAM and CIESAS. Amongst his most recent publications: Latin America and the First World War (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2017) and América Latina y Estados Unidos: Una historia entre espacios desde la época colonial hasta hoy (Madrid/México: Marcial Pons/El Colegio de México, 2015). In total he has published 12 monographs - most of which have been translated into several different languages - 32 co-edited volumes, and more than 160 articles in academic journals around the world. Rinke is member of the board of the journals Geschichte und Gesellschaft and Iberoamericana, and co-editor of the Encyclopedia of Early Modern History (Brill). His research interests focus on re-thinking Latin American history from a global perspective.