LAC History Seminar Series: Emancipation: a useful concept for interpreting modernity in the Spanish World

Convener: Eduardo Posada-Carbó, University of Oxford

Speaker: José María Portillo Valdés, Universidad del País Vasco


To join online, please register in advance:


portillo valdes week


José M. Portillo is a professor of Contemporary History at the University of the Basque Country, in Spain. He has taught in the US (Georgetown, Nevada, and Chicago). México (El Colegio de México) and Colombia (Universidad Externado). His research is focused on the history of political cultures in Latin América and Spain. He is the author of Fuero Indio. La provincia de Tlaxcala entre la monarquía y la república (2014) and Historia Mínima del Constitucionalismo en América Latina (2015). He has recently published a study on the idea of emancipation on both sides of the Atlantic: Una historia atlántica de la nación y el Estado. España y las Españas en el siglo XIX, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 2022.