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Convener: Professor Eduardo Posada-Carbó
Speaker: Andrew Paxman, CIDE, Mexico, and LAC, Oxford
Andrew Paxman teaches in the history and journalism programmes at the Centre for Research and Teaching in Economics, or CIDE, in Mexico, and is currently an Academic Visitor at the LAC. His first book, El Tigre, is a biography of the Mexican media mogul Emilio Azcárraga Milmo. His second, Jenkins of Mexico, is a life-and-times biography of expatriate U.S. industrialist William Jenkins. He then edited Los gobernadores: Caciques del pasado y del presente, an academic-cum-journalistic study of Mexican governors. He is now pursuing two projects: a study of the US missionary William Cameron Townsend, who pioneered bilingual education for indigenous Mexicans, and a history of the Mexican press since 1988. His talk will be based on the first project.