The Impact of COVID-19 in Latin America
A selection of titles on the impact of COVID-19 on the societies, politics and economies of Latin America, with the correspondent links to their respective websites:
Borja Andrino, et al., ‘Así funciona la curva de coronavirus en Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Argentina y el resto de Latinoamérica’, El País, Madrid, 7 April 2020.
Alejandra Benítez y Adolfo Fuentes, ‘Trayectoria de fallecimientos de COVID-19 [Chile].
Sergio Bitar and Daniel Zovatto, ‘The impact of the coronavirus in Latin America’s future’ (Commentary in International Idea’s website):
Merike Blofield and Fernando Filgueira, ‘COVID19 and Latin America: Social Impact and Social Policies’ (Buenos Aires: Centro de Implementación de Políticas Públicas para la Equidad y el Crecimiento, CIPPEC, 2 April 2020).
Merike Blofield, Bert Hoffmann and Mariana Llanos, ‘Assessing the Political Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis in Latin America’, GIGA Focus (April 2020)
Charles Call, ‘As coronavirus hits Latin America, expect serious and enduring effects’
CEPAL, ‘‘América Latina y el Caribe ante la pandemia del COVID-19. Efectos económcos y sociales’.
Alberto Diaz-Cayeros, ‘The balancing Act in Mexico’s COVID-19 response’
El País, Madrid, Spain, ‘Agenda pública’, – a website with a series of reports on the crisis in the region
Juan Carlos Gabaldón and Javier Lezaun, ‘Populist Pharmakons’, Somatosphere, 3 April 2020
Ricardo Hausman, ‘Covid-19 – Macro-economic consequences for developing countries
ILAS, Columbia University, ‘An Overview of the Pandemic, Chellenges and Responses”, and ‘Links and Resources’:
Alejandro Izquierdo and Martín Ardanaz, ‘Fiscal Policy in the Time of Coronavirus: Constraints and Policy Options for Latin American and Caribbean Countries’
Eduardo Levy Yeyati and Andres Malamud, ‘How to think about the lockdown decision in Latin America’, Americas Quarterly, 2 April 2020
Carlos Malamud y Rogelio Núñez, ‘La crisis del coronavirus en América Latina: un incremento del presidencialismo sin red de seguridad’
Carlos Malamud and Rogelio Núñez, ‘COVID-19 in Latin America: political challenges, trials for health systems and economic uncertainty’
Camila Mella and Mauricio Aguilar, ‘¿Cuánto confiamos en el manejo del Gobierno’, 13 April 2020:
Victoria Nugger and Andrew Powell, coordinators, Policies to Fight the Pandemic. 2020 Latin American and Caribbean Macroeconomic Report
Manuel Orozco, ‘Migrants and the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Remittances’
María José Romero (Eurodad), Jasmine Gideon (Birkbeck, Universidad de Londres), Patricia Miranda y Verónica Serafini (LATINDADD) América Latina y la epidemia de COVID-19: una crónica de múltiples crisis (I y II)
UNDP Latin America and the Caribbean, ‘COVID-19| Policy Documents Series’
Various authors, ‘Routes for COVID-19 importation in Brazil’, Journal of Travel Medicine (March 2020):
Lisa Viscidi and Nate Graham, ‘Pandemic and Price Collapse: Impacts for Energy in Latin America’