Brazilian Studies Programme signs cooperation agreement for academic research with Brazil Supreme Court

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Minister Luiz Fux, President of Brazil Supreme Court and Dr Andreza Aruska de Souza Santos, Director of the Brazilian Studies Programme, University of Oxford.

The president of the Brazil Supreme Court (STF), Minister Luiz Fux, signed an international cooperation agreement with the University of Oxford, in England, to carry out academic research related to the arrangement of constitutional courts, human rights and democratic governance. For the Secretary-General of the Presidency, Pedro Felipe de Oliveira, the initiative is another step towards closer ties between the Brazilian Judiciary and renowned knowledge production poles at a global level.

"The priority given by the Supreme Court to cases related to Covid-19 aroused the interest of the international community that wants to understand how Brazilian judges have decided on pandemic controversies," said Pedro.

The term of cooperation is valid for 2 years and the selection of guests will observe aspects such as academic excellence and public performance. Each institution will bear the costs related to this cooperation. The exchange of authorities and researchers under the agreement can be carried out in a virtual and remote way while the restrictive measures to face the Covid-19 pandemic last.

"The agreement is important because it allows the academic community in the United Kingdom to study and understand the STF, which in turn will have access to the scientific research being carried out in Oxford regarding the Brazilian judiciary", pointed out the director of the Brazilian Studies Programme from the English university, Andreza Aruska de Souza Santos. She also stressed that the themes should address electoral issues, human and civil rights and that more topics should arise as researchers start the "exchange of ideas and cultures".

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